You’re here for a reason. What you had before wasn’t enough to hold up to the level of bowhunting you do.
You’re looking for next-level gear because you find yourself with next-level commitment for what some call a sport, which you call your way of life.
You’re committed, like so many others who put in the time year-round instead of going when you get the chance. You invest more than most in your bow hunting gear because it’s investing in yourself. It’s who you are.
A fine-tuned extension of yourself, you hunt with a setup that you know better than the roads to your best hunting spot.
Your clothes are scent-free and your pack has everything you need from calls to first aid. Your standard is higher than most and a rattling old quiver strapped to the side of your bow won’t cut it for you.
From the second you leave the truck until you’re reaching for your field dressing knife, bowhunting is no place for creaking and cracking.
Predators don’t advertise to their prey.
The Soft Loc quiver is the quiver for those bow hunting predators.
Dependable and designed with the stealth-soaked pursuer of game from whitetail and turkey, to bear and elk in the high country.
How will you know if this is the quiver system for you?
Learn more about the top 3 features of the Soft Loc quiver.
What Makes the Soft Loc the Best Arrow Quiver?
1. Quick Detach and Extra Quiet
Dependability isn’t the only feature the soft loc quiver is sporting.
The quick detach system with thick sound swallowing rubber will allow you to set up in the tree stand or blind easily for your sit while making no extra noise.
The thick rubber design also reduces felt vibration so much, you’ll have to make sure it’s still attached to your bow.
When you’re ready to leave the stand or begin a stalk, the quiver attaches easily without making a sound.

2. Lightweight and Adjustable
The dual-rail design will allow you to slide the quiver up or down, customizing it to your preference.
While walking to your stand or stalking game, your arrows will be secure and where you want them when you need them.
Weighing less than 10oz and with a length of 13” you won’t be bulked down and feel like you’re carrying unnecessary weight.
Being that light and that short, you still have the ability to carry either 3 or 5 arrows with you on your next adventure.
3. Fits Different Broadhead Styles
The Soft Loc quiver gives you the freedom to choose between fixed or mechanical blade broadheads.
The system uses two layers of foam that are already cut and ready for fixed blade broadheads up to 1.5” in diameter.
Two layers of foam will keep any exposed blade edges from cutting anything that you don’t want to cut.
If you use a mechanical broadhead, the Soft Loc quiver system has you covered.
Simply remove the first layer of foam and leave the second layer. This is to hold your mechanical broadheads in place without damaging the points or collars and bands.

Soft Loc Quiver Recap
Your quiver, your hunt, your choice.
Deciding on which gear works best for you and your style of hunting is the best, and sometimes most daunting task with the number of options you have.
Those who are successful today have followed the path from those who were successful before.
Our Soft Loc quivers are designed by archers, for archers. Those designs help to make it easy for you to be successful in the future.
To learn more about the Alpine Archery Soft Loc arrow quiver – visit our website here.
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